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Mother Earth and the Four Directions

of the Medicine Wheel




Transformational Sacred Drum Medicine is birthed in Sedona, AZ by Walking Crow creating sacred water to soak hides in preparation of assembly. The sacred water contains sacred elements such as tobacco, cedar, White Mountain sage and four
pieces, (including fruit and flowers) of many of the plants from the property where the drums are made. The number four is significant as it is honoring the Medicine Wheel and the Four Directions. A stone or stones from the property are also placed
in the sacred water to honor all our ancestors from the beginning of time. These stones also include stones and crystals given as gifts to Walking Crow by other medicine men and women over the years of working together.

The hides and ties to be used for drum medicine are placed in the sacred water at sundown the day before to soften the hide in preparation of assembly and joined together as one. This is done in ceremony, which includes prayer, drumming,
singing of sacred songs, offering tobacco by smoking of the pipe to open the spirit portal of intention. We give gratitude and thank the animal for offering its self to be re-birthed in a new vibration.

The following morning at sunrise the birthing of the drum medicine starts with more intentional prayer smudging of the area and elements to be used and opening of the spirit portal by smoking of the tobacco and setting intention. When removing the hide from the sacred water tobacco and sage is used as an offering to honor and thank the spirit of the animal. The frame also known as the tree or grandmother is then prepared by smudging with sage and smoking tobacco, blowing the smoke through the frame with intentional prayer. The process of bringing together the animal and the tree is begun by stretching the hide over the frame and stretching the lacing while tying the drum together. The completed drum is then set out to dry for 3-5 days to assure that the elements of animal and tree are completely dry.

The completed Transformational Sacred Drum Medicine will then be used in sacred ceremony as a reminder of where we once came and our connection to the first sound we heard. As we grew in the sacred belly of our mother we were nurtured
with love and live in the memory of this experience and how we love through our hearts.

Please make all inquiries by phone (818) 442-1717 or email: 




Transformational Sacred Drum Medicine Shamanic Hand Drums

Types of Hides: Cow, Deer, Elk, Horse, Buffalo, and Bear when available at additional cost. *Does not include a mallet.

(All drums made to order in ceremony and setting of intentions) 



* NOW* Taking Orders! 

Price Includes Shipping

Size and Drum Pricing: 

14 inch drum- $400.00

15 inch drum- $450.00

16 inch drum- $500.00

18 inch drum- $600.00

20 inch drum- $700.00


Walking Crow

Transformational Sacred Drum Medicine multi-use Ceremonial Thunderbird Blankets

Thunderbird Bird Design Blanket (Golindrina or Swallow). Measures 79" x 52".  

Colors options are usually available. Bird colors will vary and cannot be requested. 3.0 lbs, acrylic cotton polyester blend.  

Use for Ceremonies, Sweat Lodge, Studio Work Shops.

May also be used as gifts to honor Elders, Loved Ones, and Friends or for use around the house and healing rooms.
$40.00 All Ceremonial Blankets (Available in many colors.)

Plus Shipping and Handling

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Walking Crow

For personal connection and "Concierge  Crow Service" purchasing contact


Turtle Rattles

Honoring the sacred 13 Moons of the feminine while clearing the static energies.

Small and Large Rattles
Cost: $165 - $275 
Plus Shipping and Handling

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Gourd Rattles

Receive the teachings of the gourd with a medicine transmission from Walking Crow with the purchase of a gourd rattle you choose.
Cost: $40.00 

Plus Shipping and Handling

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Drum Mallets

Handmade mallets regular, inlaid with turquoise and fur.

Cost: $35 - $100

Plus Shipping and Handling

Walking Crow

Walking Crow

Home Clearing, Cleansing's  and Blessings  $300.00 

Transformational Sacred Drum Medicine Uses sacred sage, drum, rattle, and intention to Cleanse, Clear & Bless your new or existing home and properties of any unwanted energies you feel in your home. Allowing you to be in your living space comfortably and without worry of negative or unwanted energies.

Additional Charges May Apply Depending on Travel Time & Distance


Walking Crow

Walking Crow

Ceremonial Gifts and Services Purchasing Information

Now Taking Orders!

Thanks! Message sent.

Payment Methods

Venmo: @WalkingCrow-24

Zelle: 818.442.1717

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            © 2019 Anthony J. Rodriguez, Walking Crow   

Proudly created by:  Vision Alliance

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