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"I have had the privilege of working with Anthony on several occasions. As a student of Shamanism, I look to him as a trusted mentor. He has helped me shift my energy and emotions and helped me understand why certain things show up in my life. He has been a true support through my healing process. If you are serious about healing, I highly recommend Anthony. He is the real deal and an amazing soul. " - Ann Marie Karczewski



"Anthony has helped me bring forward the necessary awareness to make the changes I need to continue my personal growth on the path and journey of my soul toward living as my highest self. I am incredibly grateful for his teachings and will certainly be sitting with him again soon. I highly recommend anyone, seeking healing, speak with and listen to him. Do your work and follow your heart. Much Love in Light." ​- Jeanie Sparkx~ Bothell, Washington

"I have never met you in person Anthony but you have been a part of my recovery. I was on anti anxiety meds on and off for 20 years. I decided to handle my anxiety holistically with a combination of will, self love and meditation. Your drumming is my meditation and I also listen to your talks. I have been off meditation for 5 months or so. I also am enjoying being in on your journey. Thank you!" - Sheila Bergquist King ~ San Jose, CA


"I'm so happy and I'm loving this no pain. I'm serious I haven't had pain in my feet, legs and back in I forgot how long now. I stopped counting the days, all this time I'm like saying to myself ya'll are crazy about the trapped negative energies in my body. I apologize for that, my body is healing itself. I have done so much the last 3-4 days on my feet. I'm outside digging in my container garden I'm walking down the road and back home without excruciating pain. I've transplanted three plants today walked down the road and back I've prepped up a bunch of veggies for salad mix, I've cleaned my whole house by myself, I am now getting ready to cook dinner and then go water all my trees and plants. WOOT! WOOT! WHAT A PRODUCTIVE DAY AND GLORIOUS DAY. I'm going to go with the flow and intend and allow. I'm going to make my dreams come into existence. This is my season Love and gratitude to everyone and my gracious God, Gaia, Mother Earth. My guides. Much Love everyone, I'm have some amazing dreams so vivid and real. I see myself doing things that I've been wanting for a life time ago. I actually see where I'm at in these dreams the exact location . The people in the dreams, and I know these people right now . It seems like my future. That drumming was amazing, Thank you!"  - Cindy L Weaver, Dogwood, Missouri

"Anthony showed me step-by-step what's involved in making a sacred drum. He made the process super easy and fun. We went through the ceremonial blessing of my drum which made the connection to her (my drum) even more magical and sacred. Thank you Anthony for your guidance, patience, and in keeping the ancestral traditions of ceremonial drum making. I highly recommend Anthony for anyone who wants to learn how to make their own drum. Anthony is super skilled, thoughtful, and kind hearted. Thank you again Anthony!" - Jennifer C. Escalera, Medicine Woman/Healer, Pasadena, CA

"I am on cloud 9 after a session with Manos De Luz Energy Healing.  Anthony was receptive to my needs prior to the session. I wanted to find clarity, to connect my mind, heart, body and soul. His gentle approach and patience as my body slowly allowed the release. By the end, I was surrounded with a radiating light. I felt so tranquil that I did not even want to get off the table. I was ready to make an appointment for another session right then and there. I feel so much incredibly lighter than I did going into the appointment. The session was exactly what I needed. You have to give him a try. He has a gift."

- Karen J-Mchugh, Sales Professional, Los Angeles, CA

"Anthony is such a giving, caring, helpful and selfless person. I've only known him for about 4 months or so, but he has helped me in so many ways. He has given me so many techniques to use and they've really made an impact and a big difference in my life. I also purchased the white sage from him and when I got my sage I was very excited. Not only did it come super fast, but he added something special which meant a lot. I am brand new at using sage and he was so kind and generous to answer the 500 questions I had LOL. He also took time to explain to me how to use it not only for myself, but my home as well. The sage I received from Anthony smells absolutely amazing!!! I will definitely order more sage from him in the future. I feel incredibly blessed that Anthony and I crossed paths on this journey. So I want to say thank you Anthony for making such an impact on my life and for all the help and healing you have given me . He is also a friend to my husband Anthony Ingraffia and my two-year-old son, who love watching his show. God bless you and many many thanks to you!"

- Sarah Ingraffia, Housewife, Auburn, Indiana

"Since I started following Anthony on Facebook I've learned so much and started seeing life in a different way. I started  to question things I've never questioned before. I started standing up for myself and treating myself with important's and respect. I live in a toxic environment and with negativity in every direction, I have changed for the better and a lot people don’t like the new me because the new me doesn’t let anyone put me down or control my emotions. I have learned many good things from Anthony and I’m thankful for people like him in my life that bring the best out of me." 

-Natalia Castañeda, Los Angeles, CA

Sound, Vibration, Magic, Drum Bath Journey 
"I do really enjoy your drum journeys. They are like a call to home." - Karen Jones~ Vancouver, British Columbia

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Venmo: @WalkingCrow-24

Zelle: 818.442.1717

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            © 2019 Anthony J. Rodriguez, Walking Crow   

Proudly created by:  Vision Alliance

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